What does all this mean for you?
Your answer to this question will determine not only how you live your life on this earth, but more poignantly how and where you will spend eternity.
Without Jesus Christ there would be no Christianity. From Biblical Christianity comes the greatest philosophy of life.
To be a Christian you must have a personal relationship with the living God, through his Son Jesus Christ.
Would you like to know Jesus Christ personally as your living Saviour and to change your life?
Giving your life to Jesus is an act of faith that you can express through prayer.
Praying is simply a way of talking to God. He knows you already. What matters is how you feel in your heart, and how frank and honest you are going to be. We suggest that you quietly pray the following prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ,
I am truly sorry for the all the things I have done wrong in my life. I am asking for your forgiveness and now turn away from everything which I know to be wrong. Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from all my sins. Please come now into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that you will be with me forever. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen."
Having prayed this prayer did it really come from deep in your heart?
If yes, then we now invite you to pray it out loud (if you can),
and consistent with the promises of Jesus,
he will come into your life.

Yes, I want to let you know I have just made this prayer

No, I have a question before making the prayer |